2015年11月30日 星期一

The west side of Da-An Forest Park


     Da-An Forest Park located at the center of Taipei City, surrounding by many skyscrapers and restaurants. It has MRT exits at four sides, so you can take MRT and go out from any side of the park. Each side has different beautiful views, but I like the west side most. Walking out of the MRT station, I find myself stand in a grand courtyard that surrounded by flowers and trees. The trees are lofty and I can even smell the delicate fragrance of a kind of flowers which called prunus mume. They bloom everywhere in the courtyard and decorate the grove just like little shining stars above the sky. The stairs are covered with dark yellow light like sunset color. Walking up to the top, there's a transparent arena stands in the middle of the dense "forest". The arena is so clear that I can even see the moonlight reflex on it, and the cut glass is also elegant. Carved with rattan wine around the glass, it's just like the mysterious castle in fairy tales. Da-An Forest is regarded as the lung of city, and it definitely worth a visit. 

2 則留言:

  1. I appreciate all similes you used in the paragraph, making me imagine the scene as if I were there. You're good at depicting a place! All the details are combined well with the controlling idea. And the beautiful similes used in the story really impressed me.

  2. Put 's' on plural nouns.
    You often forget to use the verb 'to be'.
    Good descriptive writing. You recreate the appearance of the park well.
    Hint: light reflects off things
